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Bgate launches email importer

More great automation tools from Bgate, saving suppliers time and money. With Bgate’s Automated Email Import, suppliers can now receive and process email orders 24/7.

• No more printing
• No more manual entry

How does it work?

Bgate imports email order data and converts it into Bgate orders ready for export straight to your system. Our importer works with any structured email format from buyer-side ERP and 3rd party purchasing systems. Order data can be parsed from email body or extracted from file attachments, HTML, CSV, DOC files etc. even PDFs.

Bgate extracts all relevent order data necessary to populate an order on Bgate. Product codes are updated and mapped if necessary. Unique buyer pricing and delivery schedules can be applied if missing from email. All PO numbers, comments and delivery instructions are added to the order on

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